EAN: 9782364904705

Osez la masturbation masculine

Dare to Explore Your Male Pleasure - Flourish without Taboos! Male masturbation breaks free from stereotypes to reveal itself as a complete sexual practice with its own codes and identity. No more boring clichés or the image of a refuge for singles. Discover the multiple facets of this intimate and fulfilling experience.
CHF 15.90
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Osez la masturbation masculine

For a long time included in the list of boring foreplay, or described as the bachelor's haven, masturbation is now, more than ever, a sexual practice in its own right, with its own codes and identity.

The "wanker" is no longer just the nineties archetype of the teenager with the clumsy boner, or of Jean-Claude Dusse unable to close the deal, but is rediscovered in the guise of a man at ease with his intimacy, who enjoys giving himself pleasure over a long period and making himself come, alone or in good company.

There are many masturbation techniques available today, and they have also made their appearance within the couple. Their practice can be accompanied by gels of all kinds, sex toys and many other games, leaving room for all kinds of fantasies that this little guide aims to explore, alongside the preconceived ideas and historical aspects that frame masturbation.

The penis will soon hold no secrets for you.

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