EAN: 9782842719302

Osez la masturbation féminine

Dare to Explore Your Pleasure - Discover Yourself without Taboos! Female masturbation breaks free from shame and condemnation to thrive in the spotlight. Despite the trend of sextoys, our guide emphasizes what truly matters: your pleasure. Here, you will find all the information you need to discover your body and play with your most intimate erogenous zones.
CHF 15.90
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Osez la masturbation féminine

Female masturbation has left behind the hell of "shameful", even condemnable, practices to appear on the front pages of women's magazines.

Yet the vogue for sex toys has ended up concealing what they're really all about: female pleasure. Here you'll find all the information you need to discover your body and play with your most secret erogenous zones.

But Jane Hunt, already author of Osez la chasse à l'homme (Dare to Hunt Men), doesn't just give you "instructions for use"; she also explores the world of feminine fantasies, debunks preconceived ideas that may be hindering your quest for pleasure, and indulges in some invigorating reflections on the most radical ways of living a fulfilled sexuality.

Men will be well advised to read her advice too: they'll pick up a few "tricks" they can put to good use, and will no doubt be seduced by the lively, playful style of this guide, which is as erotic as its subject.

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