EAN: 9782842719357

Osez découvrir le point G

Embrace the discovery of the G-spot: Everything about this mysterious zone in the vagina and female ejaculation! Learn to tame this infinite source of pleasure, discovered in the 1950s by a sexologist. An essential guide to explore new realms of enjoyment.
CHF 15.90
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Osez découvrir le point G

All about the G-spot and female ejaculation! "Discovered in the 1950s by a sexologist who gave it the initial of its name, this mysterious area on the inside of the vagina is an infinite source of pleasure for those who know how to tame it...

Its stimulation is at the origin of one of the most spectacular manifestations of pleasure: female ejaculation. Ovidie, priestess of eroticism, tells you all about it!

Here she answers all the questions you might have on the subject: Where is the G-spot? What is its texture? What does it look like? Are there really "vaginal" and "clitoral" women? How do you induce a female ejaculation?

Ovidie also uses practical exercises to develop the "muscles of love". Thanks to her, you'll experience - or help others to experience - new and unheard-of sensations...

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